Trentino fishing

Authorised points of sale

Buying permits: authorised points of sale To fish in Trentino you will need to purchase a guest fishing permit from any of the Associazioni Pescatori Dilettanti present throughout the area or from shops and businesses authorised by each Association in its own area. Guest fishing permits may only be purchased by fishermen holding a government licence valid for the territory of Italy. In 2012 amateur fishing tourist permits were introduced for anyone who does not hold a government licence. These are issued by fishing Associations and authorised shops and businesses. They are valid for up to 30 consecutive days (Art. 13 bis L.P. no. 18 dated 27/12/2011), and can be purchased once a year only. This modification also applies to individual catch and release permits, which can be purchased online.

Associazione Pescatori Madonna di Campiglio

Bicigrill Novaledo

Cemin Mario

Hotel Aurai

Bar Sport Sabrina

38067 Tiarno di sotto

Rifugio Nambino

Madonna di Campiglio (TN)

Albergo Ristorante al Pescatore

25072 Bagolino (BS)

Alfio Attrezzature per la Pesca

25072 Bagolino (BS)

Pesca Mania

25077 Roè Volciano (BS)

Giordano Federico

36015 Schio (VI)

Pasticceria Arcobaleno

38010 Grumo San Michele all'Adige Trento

Bazar Nave

38010 Nave San Rocco

Negozio di pesca Tom & Jerry

38013 Fondo

Sport 2000

38016 Mezzocorona

Sport 2000

38016 Mezzocorona

Tabacchi -Giornali Tanel

38018 Molveno

Dolomiti Sport Negritella

38018 Molveno

Tabacchi -Giornali Tanel

38018 Molveno

Tabacchi-Giornali Sartori

38018 Molveno

Tabacchi -Giornali Tanel

38018 Molveno

Bar al Sole

38020 Mezzana

Ristorante da Anna

38020 Monclassico

Bar Centrale

38020 Pellizzano

Chalet Lago dei Caprioli

38020 Pellizzano

Bar Centrale

38020 Rabbi

Bar Cicolini

38020 Rabbi

Albergo Bar Al Pescatore

38022 Caldes

Bar Serena

38022 Caldes

Acquarius Animali e Pesca

38023 Cles

Dalpiaz Sport

38023 Cles

Pro Loco

38023 Cles

Diesel Bar c/o Stazione Q8

38024 Celledizzo Pejo

Bar Rive Pub

38024 Cogolo

Bar Benvenuti

38024 Pejo

Bar Paninoteca Sandwich

38024 Pejo

Albergo Belvedere

38025 Dimaro

Bar Jolly

38025 Dimaro

Albergo Santoni

38026 Fucine

Bar Grill

38027 Croviana

Bar Degustazione Vini

38027 Malè

Fishing areas

The throbbing heart of fishing in Trentino:
associations, fishing areas, species and sales outlets.


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Data processing
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Pursuant to the Personal data Protection Code, the Autonomous Province of Trento, as the Data Controller (“Controller”), must provide you with the following information on the processing of your personal data. 

Please note that, due to the implementation of the reorganization programme concerning companies controlled by the Autonomous Province of Trento, approved by the Provincial Government with resolution No. 479 dated 16 March 2012, Trentino Sviluppo S.p.A. was entrusted with the task of marketing Trentino tourism and territory. The company was therefore appointed as external Head of Data Handling ("Head"), pursuant to the combined provisions of art. 18 paragraph 3 bis of Provincial Law No. 1/2005 and art. 13 ter of Province President Decree No. 18-139/Leg. dated 6 August 2003.

Your personal data will be processed by the External Data Processor for the following purpose included in its activity:

a)    to guarantee access to the “Purchase and book on-line on” section to enable the user to then purchase the C&R permit from Madonna di Campiglio Azienda per il Turismo SPA;

b)    invio delle informazioni inerenti attività, servizi, iniziative promosse da a mezzo newsletter periodica cartacea o elettronica


To achieve the above aims, your personal data will be processed electronically and manually, in order to guarantee its security and privacy

Providing us with your personal data is optional. However, if you do not send us your data, or they are incomplete, we may not be able to provide you with the service you requested. The processing of your data requires your consent. This means that, should you not consent to the processing of your data for the purpose under a) above, it will not be possible to fulfill your request.


Employees and internal/external collaborators of the Controller and the External Data Processor may gain knowledge of your personal data, as well as entities (such as technical services managing computer systems, etc.) that provide services involved in the purpose described above. Said entities will act acting as External Data Processors or Persons in Charge of Processing for processing the data. The data may be forwarded to third parties that are commercial partners of Trentino Sviluppo S.p.A. and carry out procedures associated with the fulfillment of the contract, both within and outside Italy, including countries outside the EU, such as for example Madonna di Campiglio Azienda per il Turismo SPA , which is responsible for on-line sales, whenever a purchase or reservation is made in the “Purchase and book on-line on” section.

Please be informed that the Personal Data Protection Code entitles you to exercise specific rights. You can obtain confirmation of whether or not your personal data is being kept and the updating, amendment or, if it is in your interest, the integration of the same, as well as the deletion, the conversion into the anonymous form or the blockage of those data that are being processed illegally.

The Data Processor will act as your contact on behalf of the Controller should you decide to exercise the rights under the previous article. You can write to Trentino Sviluppo S.p.A., Ufficio Strategia Innovazione - Via Romagnosi, 11 - 38122 Trento or send an e-mail to

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